Un$uited is a compelling dramedy that follows Greg (Michael Satow), a lovable but hapless dreamer who abandons his family's insurance business to pursue a career as a professional poker player in the glitzy casinos of Las Vegas. Despite his enthusiasm, Greg often finds himself outmatched and hilariously out of his depth at the tables.
As h
Un$uited is a compelling dramedy that follows Greg (Michael Satow), a lovable but hapless dreamer who abandons his family's insurance business to pursue a career as a professional poker player in the glitzy casinos of Las Vegas. Despite his enthusiasm, Greg often finds himself outmatched and hilariously out of his depth at the tables.
As he navigates the high-stakes world of poker, Greg encounters a vibrant cast of characters, including seasoned gamblers and eccentric dealers, while exploring themes of ambition, friendship, and self-discovery.
Starring Sean Kanan (Cobra Kai), Tony Denison (The Closer, Major Crimes), Carolyn Hennesy (Cougar Town, True Blood), and Kimberlin Brown (The Bold and the Beautiful), Unsuited promises a delightful blend of comedy and drama.
Emmy-winning producers Sean and Michele Kanan (Studio City, available on Amazon Prime, Roku, Tubi, and more) have partnered with Tom Baldinger of 624 Productions. Unsuited is set to be a standout addition to the streaming landscape, offering a unique take on chasing dreams even when you stumble along the way.
THE SNIPERS WE COULDN'T SEE is Karen Comba's memoir of rare power, a harrowing and intimate portrait of the far-reaching, generational effects of severe mental illness. Told with determination and searing honesty, this book recounts the shattering details of growing up as the prime target of her schizophrenic mother's mental and physical abuse.
The untold true story of a Black-American couple who served an essential role in the United States’ military defense from foreign adversaries by coding aero-operating systems, designing, engineering, and manufacturing critical technology and parts for the the F22 fighter jet, the Apache helicopter, and NASA’s Orion Spacecraft during the e
The untold true story of a Black-American couple who served an essential role in the United States’ military defense from foreign adversaries by coding aero-operating systems, designing, engineering, and manufacturing critical technology and parts for the the F22 fighter jet, the Apache helicopter, and NASA’s Orion Spacecraft during the early years of their marriage. FTO is a story of perseverance, achievement over adversity, and a commitment to excellence, not ethnicity. Infinity’s motto of “Endless ingenuity & infinite solutions” rings true in our current day. Their technology is still being used to protect US National Security Assets, as the F22 fighter jet was the weapon utilized in taking down the recent Chinese Spy balloon.
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